So on this 24th of December it's time to put the techie tools away and reflect on the birth of the Savior. We live in a highly secularized society that is less interested in the Christmas story and more attuned to the commercial and self-gratification of the season.
The wise men brought gifts and adored Him. This was worship – ascribing worth to the Christ child. To commemorate His birth we have long given gifts, which really reflect the two great commandments: that we love God and that we love our fellow man. Our mad dash to the shopping malls and new emphasis on gift cards has turned the tone from giving to receiving. This not only defines today's insipid Christianity (“What have you done for me today, God?”), but also has changed our hearts from worship of Him to self-worship. The thrill comes not from seeing the eyes of our loved ones light up in joy at what we have thoughtfully given them, but in what they have given us.
Is it any wonder the holiday seasons have such a high incidence of depression and suicide? We dance the yellow-brick road of everything the world's commerce has to offer. We arrive at the altar of the Great Oz and discover that behind the curtain is... us. These new gods to which we have sacrificed our treasure are broken reeds. They offer the Turkish Delight that goes down sweet and turns sour in the belly.
Of course, the simple answer remains. And, it is a simple answer; the answer for all the ages. It is the unchanging answer for all the ages. It is the living God and His Son who rightfully demand our worthship.
“...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 NASB
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