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      of Marvin Reem.


Fall 2024 - Getting Started with CNC Routing

CNC Router

Over the past several decades the technology revolution has gifted the hobbyist with an abundance of sophisticated tools. The dramatic cost reductions in computational power along with advances in materials science have rewarded us with the ability to quickly and easily construct elaborate designs woodworking, crafts and the like. Computer and Numerical Control (CNC) has moved from the factory floor to the garage and the kitchen table and presented opportunities that previously existed in the fever dreams of enthusiasts

This book explores the opportunities to get started in this field but with a strict budget.

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Current Focus

NightSwept Cover  Storm Swept Cover Love Swept Cover

The Swept series follows the life and adventures of Beryl Cathcart, a Baptist pastor in western Illinois during the 1960's. Many of the places in the books really exist. Many of the scenes reflect experiences of the author and of many ministers over the years.

The books are available on Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats. The author has planned further books in the series.