My "to do" list has an item directing me to update my web sites. As usual, procrastination took over and this is something I haven't quite made up my mind to start. But then when I discovered I hadn't seriously touched this site since 2017, well, then, something had to be done.
I had been looking for a new framework for the page design. The current site uses Google's Material Design, which is, I think, a decent set of tools. The problem is that I was stuck with a look and feel that was not easy to modify. I selected the Foundation Framework, which appears to be a bit simpler to use, plus the creators of the framework have provided a generous set of templates.
I consider myself to be an author and I am a long way from being a web designer. So, with an adequate framework, I think I have built a decent set of pages. Which now raises the other question: when are more books coming?
That is a tough question to answer. I have written the first chapter of the next Swept novel and there it sits. I've done four chapters of a companion piece to The Clear Path Ahead and have not progressed further. This is not because I am lazy or don't want to work on the books. However, my Science Fiction novels (published under Ward Wagher) have done very well so I am motivated to work on the novels that generate income.
If you feel the urge to ask questions, or offer suggestions, feel free to drop me a note.